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Murder in Motion, Pan American Highway Tragedy. Slow Down Truckers.

Murder in Motion,

Pan American Highway Tragedy. Slow Down Truckers.

Pan American Highway Tragedy. Murder in Motion.

I used a local tragedy to do a parody of reporting from the Boobtube legion, Bahdoo7. I have always been amused with his demeanor and ad hoc commentaries. This was a news worthy item that never made the press in Costa Rica.
But really folks I want to bring awareness to the dangers along the Pan American Highway that stretches through many small pueblos along its Tip To Tip massive route through the Americas.
If vehicles were synonymous with weapons, a motorcycle would be a pistol, a car a machine gun, and a Tractor Truck a tank. By definition, vehicles are weapons of mass destruction.

Murder in Motion, Pan American Highway Tragedy. Please Slow Down Truckers.



On, July 7 2014,  Deborah Tavares  from,  and Leuren Moret  Made claims that Hillary Clinton and Caroline Kennedy are on their death beds.  From their exposure from Fukushima radiation.  The state department had planned several trips of ‘GOOD WILL’  to Japan to intentionally expose them for a SLOW KILL assassination attempt.
In this Segment Deborah Tavares from  Stop The Crime interviews Leuren Moret, on how she  reveals how Hillary Clinton and Caroline Kennedy are on their death beds from Fukushima radiation exposure.  Was this a planned assassination attempt to knock off the last Kennedy?   The Democratic slow kill connived by the GOP?  An assassination by self deception?   A silent weapon assignment? Leuren Moret seems to think so.   Will Hillary make an attempt for the Presidency as her health deteriorates?  OR is this a plan to advance the VP to the top seat of Fascism if Hillary wins the Presidency?

Is this another chapter of the Washington DC Fascist Mafia Wars. Covert soft/slow kill? See my video how the Pen is Mightier than the sword. An old established Mafia policy from the sixties.

Full interview is here,

Mafia, and The Pen Is Mightier Than The Sword, Their Policy.

Hillary Mother of All Roaches, Claims Alex Jones. Roaches crawl up her leg to nest and make Nutella.

Alien Invasion Coming, I’m Ready For the Spectacular Event.

Alien Invasion Coming, I’m Ready For the Spectacular Event.

Alien Invasion Coming, I’m Ready For the Spectacular Event.

The aliens are never coming back.  We will never be visited by other life forms.  They were already here and figured we were not worth the trouble.  They realized we were really inferior than  other creatures in the universe,  less advanced and primitive.  Homo Sapiens are a sub creature.
Think about it. They are traveling light speed in space and we are picking out nose and scratching our butts.    The human being has only been here for a tiny passing of the billions of years of all time the earth has existed.

My Rancho San Pasquale story, walking the dog and picking up the shit.  Carrying it around in a baggie.  Good Shit mon.
What do you think if they look down and see one species, leading another species, carrying the feces of the leader, Who do you think they will think who is the boss.
And when they look down and see human carrying  a bag a feces of a K-9 they will know we are the sub creature.

The stars we see do not exist.  We are seeing the residual light year travel of burnt out stars.  What we are seeing is a light from billions years ago.  YEARS do not exist in space.  It is only a time measurement of our particular orbit.

I am a big dr who fan.  Love those aliens.

They the aliens  will be the only ones that can wipe out the NWO.  Oh wait they are the new world order.

All this Nairobi and planet x crap. Jesus freaks wanting the send to come to prove they were right.  They have been waiting over 2000 years.

Bring them on I am waiting.
BUT  The stars we see do not exist.  We are seeing the residual light year travel of burnt out stars.  What we are seeing is a light from billions years ago.  YEARS do not exist in space.  It is only a time measurement of our particular orbit.

Probe me, violate me, impregnate me.  PLEASE.  Take me away from here please.  I’ll be your pet.  We’ll make nice pets.
How lucky we will be to say we were here to see the send of the world.  What an event to make all of life worth living.  What a spectacular to witness.  Just think if we were here at the end of the world.  What a thing to die from.  How fortunate would we be as humans.

We are so full of myths and lies we can distinguish the truth if it starred at us in the face.

Music by Porno For Pyros, We’ll Make Great Pets, Live 1999 Woodstock, and from the album.

I Must Be An Alien, Because I Don’t Act Like Humans Are Behaving.


Amnesty Immigration ONLY For Countries USA Has Destroyed

Amnesty Immigration ONLY For Countries USA Has Destroyed

Amnesty Immigration.

We should be opening up boarders and arms to the people who we went into their countries and destroyed their whole lifestyle.
Some of these countries include, Yemen, Iraq,Iran, Palestine, Syria,Ukraine, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Libya, Egypt,, and I sure there are others I may not be listing.
USA should not be accepting the people from Latin America. We don’t owe them anything. Well I take it back. The USA has committed many atrocities there.
IMMIGRATION LIES. dr Meno on Immigration, Corporate Imperialism, Native Genocide, and FEMA Camps

Real Reason for the Palestine Genocide.

Real Reason for the Palestine Genocide.

Palestine Genocide
Palestine Genocide

Israel uses experimental weaponry.  They test them on Palestine.

Yes More Palestine Genocide

Neutralize Hamas?  Quit having your amigos de crime on the other side, the USA, supplying the arms for Hamas.

Every country  should abort their embassy in Israel.
boycott md20-20

There will be no resolution with this conflict.
Only the elimination of Israel.
The world gave them a country, and they abused it, really abused it.  Then take it away and removed any army they have,

Proof of the Palestine Genocide

Mowing the Grass in Gaza.
Is not that why the USA went  into Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria etc. from this kind of stuff.
Dead people in wheel chairs?  Bombing an elderly home.  Where’s their weapons.  The don’t even what is join going out side.
bombing schools and hospitals.
The news in so wrong.  The media is so wrong.  AND no one does anything about it.
I will de/un friend all of my Jewish friends who support this genocide.
I have my Infowars tee backwards and inside out.
If you don’t cry and feel bad for these kids, you have no conscience.  Americans have no conscience.  Because they are afraid to react to the atrocities going on caused by the USA.  and Israel.
Even in CR there are protest against Israel.  The need to go to little Israel in CR and protest there and not by the UCR.

Watching can news was very depressing, All slanted of Israel.

Tunnels, maybe they are trying to bring in medical supplies that Is won’t supply them.  May be food and necessities.

Gaza game from Google, well they censor the news and post against Israel.
OIL for Rothchilds and Murdock. From dabo07 guy.  I would not trust all of his reports.

I use NIGGARS to make a point and nothing against any race.


Gold Confiscation Coming Next. Stealing your gold will be like taking candy from a baby.

Gold Confiscation Coming Next.

Remember, FDR’s  EO 6102?
“Hang on to your gold teeth!  After the gun confiscation is done, stealing your gold will be like taking candy from a baby.”  dr Meno

Summary of EO 6102.
With Executive Order 6102, he, FDR, criminalized the possession of gold coin, bullion and gold certificates by any U.S. individual, partnership, association or corporation.
Roosevelt justified his radical move with the spurious claim that “hoarding” of gold was stalling economic growth. This law remained in effect until 1975, when President Gerald R. Ford re-legalized private ownership of gold coins, bars and certificates.
Roosevelt based his executive order on the 1933 Emergency Banking Relief Act, which gave the president power to curb gold hoarding in any “declared national emergency” — an eerie historic echo of the PATRIOT Act.

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IMMIGRATION LIES. dr Meno on Immigration, Corporate Imperialism, Native Genocide, and FEMA Camps

IMMIGRATION LIES. dr Meno on Immigration, Corporate Imperialism, Native Genocide, and FEMA Camps

Dr Meno On Immigration, Corporate Imperialism, Native Genocide, and FEMA Camps.

Hilarious South Park Video Clip demonstrating the point in this video.
Link to the South Park episode clip “You’re Going the Wrong Way”.

The Last of the Meheecans s15e09
You’re Going the Wrong Way!

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