Tag Archives: gold

Gold Confiscation Coming Next. Stealing your gold will be like taking candy from a baby.

Gold Confiscation Coming Next.

Remember, FDR’s  EO 6102?
“Hang on to your gold teeth!  After the gun confiscation is done, stealing your gold will be like taking candy from a baby.”  dr Meno

Summary of EO 6102.
With Executive Order 6102, he, FDR, criminalized the possession of gold coin, bullion and gold certificates by any U.S. individual, partnership, association or corporation.
Roosevelt justified his radical move with the spurious claim that “hoarding” of gold was stalling economic growth. This law remained in effect until 1975, when President Gerald R. Ford re-legalized private ownership of gold coins, bars and certificates.
Roosevelt based his executive order on the 1933 Emergency Banking Relief Act, which gave the president power to curb gold hoarding in any “declared national emergency” — an eerie historic echo of the PATRIOT Act.

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