Tag Archives: USA

Yemen Crisis- USA will NOT Import Home Grown Terrorist

Yemen Crisis- USA will NOT Import Home Grown Terrorist

Import Home Grown Terrorist?
I Think Not say the USA.
Yemen Crisis- USA Refused Importing Homegrown Terrorist.  My belief is that the USA will not rescue and import  their Yemeni-Americans citizens from the war torn Yemen.  These people have seen the atrocities that the bombing has devastated.  The killing of children and innocent people.
The Stranded Yemeni-Americans in Yemen are considered potential terrorist. As are the Guantanamo prisoners, and as now our own veterans have become.  These groups of people have witnessed first hand the destruction and murdering caused by the USA.
Watch the video and see why.

RT helps evacuate US citizens stranded in Yemen,

Russia Rescue: Americans evacuated from Yemen conflict,

Plight Flight: Americans evacuated from Yemen thanks to Russian plane,


Amnesty Immigration ONLY For Countries USA Has Destroyed

Amnesty Immigration ONLY For Countries USA Has Destroyed

Amnesty Immigration.

We should be opening up boarders and arms to the people who we went into their countries and destroyed their whole lifestyle.
Some of these countries include, Yemen, Iraq,Iran, Palestine, Syria,Ukraine, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Libya, Egypt,, and I sure there are others I may not be listing.
USA should not be accepting the people from Latin America. We don’t owe them anything. Well I take it back. The USA has committed many atrocities there.
IMMIGRATION LIES. dr Meno on Immigration, Corporate Imperialism, Native Genocide, and FEMA Camps


corruptionCorruption: A Comparison

Corruption is the compromise of principles in order, usually for personal gain. As such, it is correct to refer to the selfish acts of individuals that deviate from loftier goals of the government as corruption, and it is correct to refer to the selfish acts of Costa Rican governmental officials as corrupt.

Of course, a government that does not espouse high goals can, by definition, not be corrupt, so the most corrupt officials are not necessarily those who take the most for themselves, but those who take despite espousing high principles that they themselves violate. Despite these facts, I cannot see how you can possibly characterize Costa Rican government as the most corrupt in the world. That honor would appear to apply to the United States of America. Continue reading