Tag Archives: pets

Alien Invasion Coming, I’m Ready For the Spectacular Event.

Alien Invasion Coming, I’m Ready For the Spectacular Event.

Alien Invasion Coming, I’m Ready For the Spectacular Event.

The aliens are never coming back.  We will never be visited by other life forms.  They were already here and figured we were not worth the trouble.  They realized we were really inferior than  other creatures in the universe,  less advanced and primitive.  Homo Sapiens are a sub creature.
Think about it. They are traveling light speed in space and we are picking out nose and scratching our butts.    The human being has only been here for a tiny passing of the billions of years of all time the earth has existed.

My Rancho San Pasquale story, walking the dog and picking up the shit.  Carrying it around in a baggie.  Good Shit mon.
What do you think if they look down and see one species, leading another species, carrying the feces of the leader, Who do you think they will think who is the boss.
And when they look down and see human carrying  a bag a feces of a K-9 they will know we are the sub creature.

The stars we see do not exist.  We are seeing the residual light year travel of burnt out stars.  What we are seeing is a light from billions years ago.  YEARS do not exist in space.  It is only a time measurement of our particular orbit.

I am a big dr who fan.  Love those aliens.

They the aliens  will be the only ones that can wipe out the NWO.  Oh wait they are the new world order.

All this Nairobi and planet x crap. Jesus freaks wanting the send to come to prove they were right.  They have been waiting over 2000 years.

Bring them on I am waiting.
BUT  The stars we see do not exist.  We are seeing the residual light year travel of burnt out stars.  What we are seeing is a light from billions years ago.  YEARS do not exist in space.  It is only a time measurement of our particular orbit.

Probe me, violate me, impregnate me.  PLEASE.  Take me away from here please.  I’ll be your pet.  We’ll make nice pets.
How lucky we will be to say we were here to see the send of the world.  What an event to make all of life worth living.  What a spectacular to witness.  Just think if we were here at the end of the world.  What a thing to die from.  How fortunate would we be as humans.

We are so full of myths and lies we can distinguish the truth if it starred at us in the face.

Music by Porno For Pyros, We’ll Make Great Pets, Live 1999 Woodstock, and from the album.

I Must Be An Alien, Because I Don’t Act Like Humans Are Behaving.