Murder in Motion, Pan American Highway Tragedy. Slow Down Truckers.

Murder in Motion,

Pan American Highway Tragedy. Slow Down Truckers.

Pan American Highway Tragedy. Murder in Motion.

I used a local tragedy to do a parody of reporting from the Boobtube legion, Bahdoo7. I have always been amused with his demeanor and ad hoc commentaries. This was a news worthy item that never made the press in Costa Rica.
But really folks I want to bring awareness to the dangers along the Pan American Highway that stretches through many small pueblos along its Tip To Tip massive route through the Americas.
If vehicles were synonymous with weapons, a motorcycle would be a pistol, a car a machine gun, and a Tractor Truck a tank. By definition, vehicles are weapons of mass destruction.

Murder in Motion, Pan American Highway Tragedy. Please Slow Down Truckers.