Category Archives: News

dr meno shares news not typically found in mainstream media.

Yemen Crisis- USA will NOT Import Home Grown Terrorist

Yemen Crisis- USA will NOT Import Home Grown Terrorist

Import Home Grown Terrorist?
I Think Not say the USA.
Yemen Crisis- USA Refused Importing Homegrown Terrorist.  My belief is that the USA will not rescue and import  their Yemeni-Americans citizens from the war torn Yemen.  These people have seen the atrocities that the bombing has devastated.  The killing of children and innocent people.
The Stranded Yemeni-Americans in Yemen are considered potential terrorist. As are the Guantanamo prisoners, and as now our own veterans have become.  These groups of people have witnessed first hand the destruction and murdering caused by the USA.
Watch the video and see why.

RT helps evacuate US citizens stranded in Yemen,

Russia Rescue: Americans evacuated from Yemen conflict,

Plight Flight: Americans evacuated from Yemen thanks to Russian plane,


2016 Elections Could Cancel Under EO’s and Martial Law. Got Passports?

2016 Elections Could Cancel Under EO’s and Martial Law.

Got Passports?

2016 Elections Cancelled Under EO’s and Martial Law. WW3 could even set it off.…
Executive Order 13603 of March 16, 2012

American Thinker (AT) was kind enough to publish “Do Obama’s Executive Orders Reveal A Pattern?”

Want examples of what Obama is doing?
• EO 10990 allows the Government to take over all modes of transportation and control of highways and seaports.
• EO 10997 allows the government to take over all electrical power, gas, petroleum, fuels, and minerals.
• EO 11000 allows the government to mobilize civilians into work brigades under government supervision
• EO 11002 designates the Postmaster General to operate a national registration of all persons.
• EO 11003 allows the government to take over all airports and aircraft, including commercial aircraft.
• EO 11004 allows the Housing and Finance Authority to relocate and establish new locations for populations.
• EO 11005 allows the government to take over railroads, inland waterways, and public storage facilities.[

2016 Elections Could Cancel Under EO’s and Martial Law. Got Passports?

Sojourn of Sanctions, French Apples in Costa Rica.

 Sojourn of Sanctions,

French Apples in Costa Rica.

My report on how I came across French Apples in a small store in rural Costa Rica.   Sojourn of Sanctions, French Apples in Costa Rica.

Side affects from the EU sanctions against Russia, and Russia retaliating by refusing to buy Agricultural products and goods from Europe.  An interesting sojourn for a single apple and its overseas adventure. Having it  to end up in the rural rain forest of Costa Rica. How an apple that dr Meno eats could have been in the hands of a Russian.  Dr Meno  explores how the sanctions are rippled around the world.  Dr Meno looks on how that effects the CAFTA agreement in Central America.  A Sojourn of Sanctions, French Apples in Costa Rica.

Tear Gas is an Addicting Chemical.

Tear Gas is an Addicting Chemical.

I have no laboratory proof. Only my own testimonial of my experience with the agent. Also through my observations from my chemical agent instructor’s behavior in my POST training. I do have a masters in Sociology.
So now to think, are protesters habitual creatures. With the AGENT.

Turkey imported 628 tons of teargas and pepper spray in 12 years – report…

Info and Data on CS Gas, Tear Gas.

NFL Fixed, PSYC OPS for WW 3, Patriots Win Super Bowl 2015, and destroy nations.

NFL Fixed, PSYC OPS for WW 3, Patriots Win Super Bowl 2015, and destroy nations.

News for May 6th, Brady admits to the ball deflation scandal.
Tom Brady Breaks Silence on Report That He Knew About …
Was the 2015 NFL Super Bowl fixed?  Were the Patriots winning a psyche ops maneuver to plant the seed for WW3?  Just like in 2003 and 2004 the Patriots winning was to brainwash a mindset that war is OK.  Being a Patriot is OK, Using Patriot missiles is OK to kill hundreds of thousands of people.  It is the prestitutes that use the term PATRIOT Missiles over and over aging. To make us thing that bombing is OK no matter what projectile is used. Tomahawk sounds to aggressive, to Native American. BUT, ahh,  a Patriot is OK to KILL with. That is the psych ops theme.

‘Seahawks star Richard Sherman says they cracked
Peyton Manning’s hand signal code during the
Super Bowl 48, so they were able to predict every play.’
“Now did they really or was this a fixed game too?”, dr Meno


Wikipedia links on 1919World Series.

NFL  FBI  files,  or try for  Brian Tuohy’s books.

Tuohy’s FBI FIles on the NFL

Coked-up Knicks players fixed games as a favor to their drug dealer — who bet big bucks against the anemic New York squad, FBI informants claimed during the 1981-82 season.
LARCENY GAMES: Sports Gambling, Game Fixing and the FBI

NFL’s Marketing Extravaganza, with Highlights of a Football game.

NFL, The Controversy. What are These Billionaires Up Too. Inc. Report from Abby Martin

Patriotism Can Be a Fatal Habit, Flags,& White Flag.
Coked-up Knicks players fixed games as a favor to their drug dealer — who bet big bucks against the anemic New York squad, FBI informants claimed during the 1981-82 season.

NFL’s Marketing Extravaganza, with Highlights of a Football game.

NFL’s Marketing Extravaganza, with Highlights of a Football game.

NFL’s Marketing extravaganza during the football  games.

You are only seeing actually half of the game,within all of the advertisements.  dr Meno also exposes the corruption of the umpires.  The fake injuries of players to run more commercials, the removal of players helmets after a big play ,as oppose not removing it after a bad play.

The Explosive State of Social Entropy, Accelerating WW3, France’s False Flag

The Explosive State of Social Entropy, Accelerating WW3, France’s False Flag

Meno discusses the Explosive State of Social Entropy is amongst us.  And during this idle news and sport time, between NFL’s marketing  extravaganza of the Superbowl and the first pitch of spring baseball,  will be the time that the shit will hit the fan with world unrest.  The laws of thermodynamics is applied to social behavior too.  dr Meno makes the connection from physical science to the social sciences.

Authority Travels The Path of Least Resistance

QUANTUM THEORY, Our Bodies As Sensing Instruments.  Our Reality is Limited.  What We Don’t  Know.

NFL, The Controversy.  What are These Billionaires Up Too.  Inc. Report from Abby Martin

IT”S TIME FOR MAJOR False Flag EVENT, Feb, 2014, Superbowl to Sochi Winter Olympics


Medical Lunacy. Doctors, The Most UN Professional Profession. ft. Max Keiser

Medical Lunacy. Doctors, The Most UN Professional Profession. ft. Max Keiser

Dr. Frankenstein was an angel compared to today’s medical profession.Doctors who use cell phones with the rise of brain and testis cancer.

“We now live in a nation where doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, universities destroy knowledge, governments destroy freedom, the press destroys information, religion destroys morals, and our banks destroy the economy. ” ~ Chris Hedges
Mc D’s KFC, Coke, fast foods
Pollution, air, water, and land.
GMO foods
Radiation from Nuke plants and DU uranium exposure without military.
Aspartame the shit of e-coli bacteria
Hospital  accidental deaths
Bill gates
Pharms would due in jail of poisoning their patients.
Fluoride in water and salt
No govt sponsored alcohol and tobacco, but when the past many presidents the smoke.
The surgeon general is a hack.
Promoting meditation

Doctors can prescribe heroin, coke, speed, and opium.  BUT not Marijuana?
Psych drugs for our veterans DU bombings
Doctors in Iraq prisons and guantamo torture
Coke cola
Dead Doctor’s Don’t Lie
Heart decease
So are doctors terrorist?  How many people have they killed?
What would be the natural death rate?  How many people died normally as opposed to using modern medicine?

Fascist controlled medicine.

stats of die naturally as opposed to with technology Tech has also killed too many people, cars, planes, electric shock, drugs, more people die from pharms than illegal’s drug
The f ing docs in AbuGrave and Guantanamo
Dr. Frankenstein was a not so bad of a Doctor.
Cancer 10,000% child peds
True Doctors would have put Gates in jail for his involvement in Monsanto, WHO, and the UN.
TV link Alzheimer’s alert
Nervous disorder deceases up 10,000%
How police break the law, how lawyers lie, how husbands cheat?
Cocktail of vaccines
Infant mortality 100 yrs graph,

Keiser Report, Drive by doctors

Cancer Deaths Linked to Fluoride Revealed

Soda Health Risks

Vaccines Did Not Save Us – 2 Centuries Of Official Statistics

Vaccines Did Not Save Us – 2 Centuries Of Official Statistics

India Holds Bill Gates Accountable For His Vaccine Crimes

India Holds Bill Gates Accountable For His Vaccine Crimes

Statistics About Diabetes: American Diabetes Association®

Studies show alarming sperm count falls, but some distrust the figures | Science |

Legal Drugs Kill Far More Than Illegal, Florida Says –

Prescription Drugs Now Kill More People than Illegal Drugs

In Hospital Deaths from Medical Errors at 195,000 per Year USA – Medical News Today

How Many Die From Medical Mistakes in U.S. Hospitals? – ProPublica

It’s Worse Than Imagined: Study Shows Dramatic Correlation Between GMOs And 22 Diseases

NASA to NSA, The Global Cloud Spy Network

NASA to NSA, The Global Cloud Spy Network

The whole objective of NASA was to maintain a/the remote control of computers.  Controlling the communications with objects in SPACE.  Now the NSA has the power to control your computers and households remotely.  It is done through a network of wi-fi and cell towers to form a CLOUD effect to gain control over everyone.  The push to install cell towers throughout the world ties in to the wi-fi network for total coverage.  Emulating a CLOUD effect of coverage for the NSA to spy on everyone.  iCloud is a sub version, example,  of the Global Cloud that now exist globally.  Your brain works the same way, with it’s mass storage capabilities.  It acts as a cloud storage device.

Moon Hoax:


BRICS countries are building a “new Internet” hidden from NSA
Read more:



The moon landing hoax (full BBC documentary)

Darn it , Costa Rica is a member of the UN