Category Archives: Alternative View

Alternative view commentary related to expatriation, ex-pats, ex-patriots.

Caitlyn Jenner Psych Ops Michelle’s Obama’s Revelation Coming Soon. Joan Rivers Murdered as Whistle blower

Caitlyn Jenner was Psych Ops for Michelle’s Obama’s Revelation Coming Out Soon.
Joan Rivers Murdered as a Whistle blower.

One of the years best posted Conspiracy Theories.

If you agree, please like  the story and share.  Lets have some fun with this.

I don’t have nothing against gay people.  As long as they don’t infringe on my personal belief and life style.  (Not that there is anything wrong with that).  Sometimes they can be as obnoxious as a door knocking Watch Tower missionary on a Saturday afternoon.    But lately in the past 2 decades there has been a push to espouse the gay community.  I got so tired  of all of the sitcoms and dramas to include some gay scenario aspect to the show.  Subliminal suggestions of acceptance, has been planting the seed in your mind.  As long as Obama has been cultured to be president, so has they have been prepping us for the grand unveiling.  Can you imagine how the Elitist are laughing at us.  How stupid we are all.  What a big slap in the face to top off the losing of our country.  Are they that bored and satanic?  My theory as stated in other videos, that the Illuminati move will take place soon, because these old farts are going to be dying off soon.  They want to see the fruits of their scams come to a conclusion.  World dominance.  And Bye Bye USA.

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Jewish DNA Research Break Through. Kosher Males born without Foreskin. No need of Circumcisions.

Jewish DNA Research Break Through. Kosher Males born without Foreskin. No need of Circumcisions.

Jewish DNA Research Break Through.  Kosher Males born without the need of Circumcisions.

Don’t worry folks.  This is one of dr Meno’s satire news break.  from dr  dement

I just thought we needed a break from all of the outragious news going on right now.  So take a break and enjoy this satire video.

I know I wished I had done this video with a better quality production.  But I put this together in less than an hour. Just  a crazy idea I had.  It made me laugh.  So I hope that you at least get a smile or snicker from it.
There is just too much crap going on, that it can overwhelm the mind.

NOTE:  If any doctor or scientist actually does this.  I want my cut.
All entities are fictitious in the video.  Except for dr Meno


NWO Takeover of Costa Rica. All The Signs Are There, 20 of them.

NWO Takeover of Costa Rica. All The Signs Are There, 20 of them.

The motion is in progress for the NWO, (New World Order), to take over Costa Rica.  The plan is set.  All of the signs are in place.  Will Costa Rica end up like Greece or Cyprus?
Look at these 20 reasons I believe that the NWO has their Predatory Talons in Costa Rica.
1. The austerity measures across the board.
2. The outrageous loans of 40 billion  and 100’s of mn’s from World Banks, IMF,  Bank$ters
3.  The street signs with the EU flag present.
4.  Gun control,  CR ratifies UN arms agreement, UNODA.
5. President’s wife associated with the UN
6. License plate readers.
7. Cell phone towers throughout, part of the global cloud network.
8.  Do I need to say more, CAFTA
9.  The pretend war on drugs.  USA needs CR to traffic their drugs through.
10. Cell phones, social sites and banks, are farming for  information.
12. Participating in Carbon footprint and Green zones
13. Monsanto trying to bring in GMO’s.
14. WHO trying to spread its poisons around, 715,000 vaccines being pushed.
15. Smart electric meters
16. Fluoridating water and salt
17. Militarizing Security in Wal-Mart.
18. USA donating aggressive tactical police equipment.
19. USA training CR Police force.
20. The pushing of Pharmaceuticals in the health care. Addicting the populace.

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Yemen Crisis- USA will NOT Import Home Grown Terrorist

Yemen Crisis- USA will NOT Import Home Grown Terrorist

Import Home Grown Terrorist?
I Think Not say the USA.
Yemen Crisis- USA Refused Importing Homegrown Terrorist.  My belief is that the USA will not rescue and import  their Yemeni-Americans citizens from the war torn Yemen.  These people have seen the atrocities that the bombing has devastated.  The killing of children and innocent people.
The Stranded Yemeni-Americans in Yemen are considered potential terrorist. As are the Guantanamo prisoners, and as now our own veterans have become.  These groups of people have witnessed first hand the destruction and murdering caused by the USA.
Watch the video and see why.

RT helps evacuate US citizens stranded in Yemen,

Russia Rescue: Americans evacuated from Yemen conflict,

Plight Flight: Americans evacuated from Yemen thanks to Russian plane,


Silence, The Absorption of All Sound. Social Interaction Prisms.

Silence, The Absorption of All Sound. Social Interaction Prisms.

Is the
Of all

Silence is like Black , light is the sum of all colors of light. Silence is the sum of all sound, it has to be omitted from absorption to have sound. Silence is the absorption of all sound, what you hear is the reflection of a freq not absorbed.

If we can hold a Social Interaction Prism type device in front of us, to break down all of the intentions of peoples actions. We would then better understand the intentions of peoples behaviors. We would be able to separate the liars and the truthers.


2016 Elections Could Cancel Under EO’s and Martial Law. Got Passports?

2016 Elections Could Cancel Under EO’s and Martial Law.

Got Passports?

2016 Elections Cancelled Under EO’s and Martial Law. WW3 could even set it off.…
Executive Order 13603 of March 16, 2012

American Thinker (AT) was kind enough to publish “Do Obama’s Executive Orders Reveal A Pattern?”

Want examples of what Obama is doing?
• EO 10990 allows the Government to take over all modes of transportation and control of highways and seaports.
• EO 10997 allows the government to take over all electrical power, gas, petroleum, fuels, and minerals.
• EO 11000 allows the government to mobilize civilians into work brigades under government supervision
• EO 11002 designates the Postmaster General to operate a national registration of all persons.
• EO 11003 allows the government to take over all airports and aircraft, including commercial aircraft.
• EO 11004 allows the Housing and Finance Authority to relocate and establish new locations for populations.
• EO 11005 allows the government to take over railroads, inland waterways, and public storage facilities.[

2016 Elections Could Cancel Under EO’s and Martial Law. Got Passports?