Tag Archives: moses

God & Religion

God and Religion is Ineffective.

dr Meno’s philosophy on religion and how the concept of God and Religion has been ineffective for  over 5000 years.  It has not been effective in turning mankind around to be  better persons. In addition,  Ineffective  to make societies function harmoniously.  Are we suppose t give religion another 5000 years to work?

Moses tried to turn around the Jews 5000 years ago.  Creating the Ten Commandments.  It has done no good, while mankind has drifted further from these rules to live by.
“Love is a concept meant  to be practiced between species, not among species.” dr Meno
And another quote of the week,  “WE NEED TO QUIT LEARNING TO LIVE BY THE RULES AND LEARN TO LIVE WITHOUT RULES.” dr Meno.  To be responsible on our own accord.