MH17 Ukraine Crash Analysis.

MH17 Ukraine Crash Analysis.

“A Dog Smells His Own Farts First”, dr Meno


USA/UN/NATO are talking out of their  ASS
USA/UN/NATO are talking out of their ASS, About the MH17 Ukraine Crash.

MH 17 Ukraine crash analysis from dr Meno, “A dog smelling his own fart first.”  Classic example of what the USA and it’s media are doing.  Is it a verse from Ma and Pa Kettle movie or from Granny of the Beverly Hillbillies?
What the USA is trying to pull off and disguise is more of a silent than deadly, or better yet,  more salient than deadly.  BUT is NOT farting, talking out of your ass. Like the USA is doing.
OR the USA is farting and blaming it on the dog, arch commie enemies,  Putin and Russia.  The USA is  ramped on accusing the Russians for everything that goes array in the Ukraine.

Additional Crash Analysis.

Either way, this whole thing stinks, and not from rotting cadavers.  As one rumor has it, bodies from MH370 kept on ice, of this false flag crash.
USA is no ordinary dog , but a dirty dog, the dirtiest dog in human history.  Dirtier than Hitler or Caesar.
The guilty one cries the loudest, to blame.  Quick to blame, and pointing the finger, is simple reverse psychology.
It is how your spouse blames you for having affairs when they are guilty of the same thing.

Spyware that USA has is the state of art.
USA knows who did it.  They probably are responsible.  Hence the big cover up and not willing to open up their intelligence.  Wow could Jen Psaki be caught with her pants down?  (hummmm)  Or worst,  as was Hillary in Benghazi.
They don’t want the world to know how their spy system works.  Well China and Russia probably has that figured that out already.  China probably built some of it. With Back Doors.
Heck Google Earth can read license plates on cars on the street.  Anyone can do this from home.
Google, Boobtube, Facebook is their spy network, so why not believe the information there as credible. The social media is the NSA’s spy network.  Of course it is credible. Haa Haa
“Most of evidence based on social media”,  Russian defense minister claims.

Throw away the black box,  It is useless in the hands of criminals.  UK, London is the cock guarding the hen house,  WHO DECIDED THAT.  WHY CAN’T WE KNOW  WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THAT.  First it was to go to MOSCOW, then Malaysia authorities.   Now it ends up in London?  Is not  that where the world’s biggest  criminals live?  Queen bitch and banksters.  It would be been better off giving the Black Boxes to the Scooby Doo Mystery Investigation crew.

Jen Psaki is gone,  and a new bitch is there.  More blond and meaner than Jen.

Anti Russia hysteria,  Russia should be very concern with the brainwashing.  WHERE IS EDWARD BERNES when you need him.

Lots of NATO build up, Eastern Europe Missile shield.  All ready to INTERCEPT and flying object.  It could of very well been a hit from one of the defensive shield on the Eastern Europe and Russian borders.
There was also maneuvers in the Black Sea that stopped the day of the ill-fated MH17 crashed.
This will turn out to be more of a mystery than the MH 370 missing flight.
Maybe not a missile, maybe an explosion within.
We will never know. This dog, the USA,  buried the bone where no one will find it. Not even Snowden.  He turned out to be a dirty dog too, Snowden.  All fuse and no bang.  The elite criminals are still in control.  Thanks of nothing EDWARD.  What a joke all his crap was.

While the attention is on MH17, there are two genocides in process.
The UN thinks that there MAY be war crimes in the Gaza.  MAYBE!  I don’t know why Russia hasn’t done more to stop the killingMH17 Crash Analysis. “A Dog Smells His Own Farts First”, dr Meno genocide in Ukraine.  He must be instructed not too.
Palestine death toll over 700, the Ukraine is more.  No one cries for them.

dr Meno Copyrights the Fart.